vendredi 19 octobre 2007

Reverend & The Makers @ Berlin

Ok, this will be a "tourism/music/gastronomy" post. =)

The thing is, I can't dissociate Berlin from all the great food I ate and the concerts I went! And since I'm going to be there the 3rd November, I thought it would be great to comment my programme for the weekend:

First of all, the "Reverend and the Makers" concert. They're a new group from England, and they remind me of early Depeche Mode. At their mySpace site you can listen to 4 songs; "Heavyweight champion" is my favorite one. The concert will take place at the Lido, a small club that used to be a cinema.

And then, well, I'll be in Kreuzberg, so... Mini-pizza + ice cream + T-shirts + books, so I think that I'll come back to Geneva absolutely poor ("I'll work for food"!!). =)

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