jeudi 1 novembre 2007

Next destination: USA

Having friends all around the world, most of my time I try to conciliate study/spare time/money and travel. It's not so easy to do this, but with a little help of the Star Alliance Program and all the miles I've gathered with the trips to Brazil I think I will be able to visit a dear friend of mine who moved to Seattle to work for Microsoft (boooooooh... Evil!). =)

So I've been trying to know more about the attractions from the Weast Coast. Probably I'll have to land at the New York airport (ok, 4-5 days in there to go to Manhattan, the Metropolitan Museum, and to visit all the cool exhibitions), and then take a flight to Seattle or San Francisco. The hardest part is to let go all my prejudices with the USA (have no interest at all to go to Miami or Orlando, for example) and to figure out a plan for next summer. Quickly, beacause I have 60.00o miles expiring on November 20th and I don't want to loose them..!

Does anyone have a tip for me?

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