jeudi 1 novembre 2007

Do you know "frevo"?

Having to carry an umbrella these days made me think about an other use of this banal object: it is, actually, a very important accessory used at a folkloric dance from Recife, which is called "frevo". The word "frevo" is said to come from "frever", a working class dialectal way of pronouncing the Portuguese word ferver (to boil). And I assure you, dancing like this in a 30°C environment can make you boil!

So, enjoy the examples (the first video is the "traditional" style and clothing, that we can see during Carnival. The second one is a concept more modern, you can see that the guy uses a regular umbrella instead of the little one and carries less elaborated clothing):

Well, I know how to "frever", do you want to learn it??? =)

2 commentaires:

raulita13 a dit…

Je ne connaissais pas du tout, mais je trouve ça pas mal et plutôt original !

geisefiscina a dit…

Ready for lessons? =)

Ce qui me plaît enormement dans ces danses est leur coté symbolique, surtout. Il peut sembler un peu bizarre de voir des gens qui dansent de façon frénetique avec un parapluie, mais il y a une histoire et une tradition derrière cela! =)